Building a better working world(より良い社会の構築を目指して)。これがEYのパーパスです。優れた知見や質の高いサービスの提供を通して、クライアントの皆さま、EYのメンバー、社会のために長期的価値を創造し、資本市場における信頼を構築するお手伝いをします。
長期的価値(Long-term value、LTV)- EY Japanの取り組み
EYは「世界で最も信頼される独自性を持ったプロフェッショナル・サービス・ファームとして、長期的価値(Long-term value, LTV)を創出する」 という目指すべき姿(Ambition)を掲げ、より良い社会の構築に向けて事業活動を行っています。
2021年11月5日 Long term value人的価値を原動力に、高品質のサービス提供と長期的価値の創出を図る
2023年12月25日 EYPeople value の創出に向けて多様な働き方と自己実現をかなえる企業風土
長期的価値(Long-term value、LTV)対談シリーズ:EY Japanの組織づくりは People-first が原点であり、多様なバックグラウンドを持つメンバーが密にコミュニケーションを交わしながら、必要に応じて連携し、それぞれのポテンシャルを最大限に発揮しています。
2023年12月25日 EYIt will soon be possible to connect petabytes of health data and the human body will be the biggest data platform. Companies in the health ecosystem must decide how to capture the value.
EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader and Life Sciences Industry Leader
Ambassador for outcomes-based performance and healthy aging. Advocate for women.
Having joined EY in 1998, Pamela leads a team of 36,000 multidisciplinary professionals in the health and life sciences industries to share insight and knowledge. Working across the ecosystem, they understand the implications of today’s trends, proactively finding solutions to business issues and positioning clients to seize the upside of disruption in our transformative age.
Prior to her current role, she focused on cross-border transactions, providing deal advisory services including new commercial and risk and governance operating models. She has a background in organic chemistry.
Pamela is passionate about making healthcare affordable and accessible to all and helping to ensure we collectively maximize the opportunity to continually innovate in R&D. Critical to this is the industry to define, measure and design payment systems aligned to outcomes based performance rather the present ‘input and activity based’ systems. Increased computational power and AI, along with more demanding consumers, brings unparalleled opportunity for innovation and collaboration with disruptors to the traditional industry value chain.
“Strong data science and behavioral science as well as clinical and medicinal science capabilities will be critical for success.”