Photographic portrait of Sally Jones
Sustained uncertainty and change, from geopolitical tensions to trade patterns, has left many international businesses unclear on how they trade with the UK, EU and other markets globally.

Sally Jones

EY UK Trade Strategy and Brexit Leader

Trade Strategy Partner. Helping companies and governments enhance trade. Mother of three. Astronomer.

Sally leads the EY Trade Strategy and Brexit team. She is a leading specialist in trade policy from both a global and UK/EU perspective.

She advises organizations across multiple industries including FTSE 100, Fortune 500, privately owned companies and trade associations. She also has frequent contact with the UK Government and the EU Commission. 

Sally holds a BSc in Astronomy and Astrophysics from University College London.

How Sally is building a better working world

Sally is the deputy chair of the Professional and Business Services Council and co-chairs its International Trade Group. On behalf of the UK Government’s Department for Business And Trade and the Ministry of Justice, the Group takes pro bono commissions across a wide range of trade policy matters. Its work aids the government’s trade with the EU and the rest of the world in building effective and sustainable trade policy

Contact Sally