EY refere-se à organização global e pode se referir a uma ou mais das firmas-membro da Ernst & Young Global Limited, cada uma das quais é uma entidade legal separada. A Ernst & Young Global Limited, uma empresa britânica limitada por garantia, não presta serviços a clientes.
Como a EY pode ajudar
2023 was the hottest year on record. Climate-related weather events incurred costs of more than US$143b per year from 2000 to 2019. Apart from the financial cost, rising sea levels threaten the viability of island nations and extreme weather endangers lives. Only 21% of respondents ranked climate change as a key concern, yet nearly half said they lacked sufficient information on the topic. A recent EY Sustainable Value Study revealed some organizations are winding down commitments to net zero and modestly reducing investments to achieve those goals. Organizations with revenue above USD $5 billion are more likely to rank climate as a higher priority (47% compared to 13% for smaller organizations).
Boards seem more concerned about the costs of climate regulation. Minimizing such costs remains a primary focus for Asia-Pacific directors, more so than in the Americas or EMEIA. This is worrying; boards’ long-term responsibilities require them to prioritize climate and sustainability issues.