ACCA Financial Management

Training course to the exam session in September 2024

Related topics EY Academy of Business

Objective of the training: To prepare for the exam, including being able to do tasks, present answers appropriately and to manage exam time

Who is the training for? ACCA students who are preparing to pass the exam in September 2024

What do we offer?


  • Study plan: what to learn, what tasks to do and when, to be ready on time
  • 8 live sessions – 43 academic hours – focusing on the most important and tricky issues of the topics and Q&A
  • Tutor’s support during the study
  • Mock exam check and explanation what areas need improvement
  • Kaplan study materials printed or online„



We know, how difficult it is to study when you work. So, we focus your attention on the key issues to learn.

We have analysed Examiner’s reports of the last three years, chose the tasks where the most mistakes were made, and made video lessons with similar tasks.


We have summarized all necessary lifehacks for exam preparation and passing.


We are sure, you will find this course helpful and enjoyable!

Study plan

  • Lesson 1

    Introduction to paper:

    • Key point to know regarding exam structure, preparation to the exam and passing it.

    Investment appraisal. Theory and tasks on the following calculations:

    • Investment ratios: NPV, PB, DPB, ROI, IRR.
    • Further aspects: inflation, taxation, working capital.
    • Relevant information for calculating cash flows.
    • Asset investment decisions: capital rationing, replacement decisions and lease vs buy.
    • Homework. Q&A session.


  • Lesson 2

    Investment appraisal. Theory and tasks on the following calculations:

    • Investment appraisal under uncertainty: sensitivity analysis, expected values and others.

    Sources of finance and cost of capital

    • Criteria for choosing between sources of finance.
    • Sources of finance and their features.
    • Calculation of cost of debt and equity.
    • Calculation theoretical ex-rights price.
    • Homework. Q&A session.


  • Lesson 3

    Sources of finance and cost of capital

    • Criteria for choosing between sources of finance.
    • Sources of finance and their features.
    • Models on calculation of cost of equity.
    • Formula on calculation of weighted average cost of capital.
    • Capital asset pricing model and its application.
    • Short- and long-term Islamic finance.

    Capital structure and business valuation

    • Three types of risks: business risk, operating gearing and financial gearing.
    • Financial ratios on capital structure, their calculation and explanation.
    • Theories on capital structure.
    • Homework. Q&A session.


  • Lesson 4

    • Dividend policy and task on applying it.
    • Two types of beta and their application in calculation of the cost of capital.
    • Three approaches to business valuation their application.
    • Formulas on valuation of preference shares and different types of debt.
    • Efficient market hypothesis.
    • Homework, Q&A session.


  • Lesson 5

    Working capital management

    • Working capital. Objective and approaches of its management.
    • Overcapitalization and overtrading. Working capital management ratios.
    • Evaluating efficiency of working capital management.
    • Inventory control, challenges and tools of inventory management.
    • EOQ model (Economic Order Quantity) apploication.


  • Lesson 6

    Working capital management

    • Accounts receivable and payable management: policies and tools.
    • Calculation of costs of financing accounts receivable, on early settlement discounts, factoring.
    • Cash and funding strategies.
    • Application of Baumol and Miller-Orr models.
    • Cash flows forecasting.
    • Homework, Q&A session.


  • Lesson 7

    • Foreign and interest risk management
    • Foreign exchange risk. The causes of exchange rate fluctuations – four-way equivalence.
    • Using four-way equivalence in exam questions.
    • A money market hedge and its application.
    • Foreign currency derivatives.
    • Interest rate risk. Yield curve and three theories explaining its shape.
    • Tools of hedging interest rate risk and tasks on applying them.
    • Homework, Q&A session.


  • Lesson 8

    Mock exam check and explanation

    • Explanation of solutions.
    • Recommendations on presenting answers.
    • Q&A session.


Registration open

(Event List - Manual)

ACCA Financial Management

21 Sep, 28 Sep, 5 Oct, 12 Oct, 19 Oct, 26 Oct, 2 Nov, 16 Nov

21 500+ПДВ

- за місцевим часом


Ганна Григораш

Менеджер, тренер-консультант Академії бізнесу EY в Україні

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