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GenAI-powered test automation
Historically, AI has served to complement human efforts by automating repetitive tasks, with AI-driven regression suite automation serving as an example. Earlier AI-based defect classification systems paved the way for the development of more advanced approaches using machine learning (ML) for defect prediction and analysis in contemporary software testing methods. The recent evolution in GenAI technology autonomously generates test plans and test designs, and summarizes the test execution insights, resulting in substantial improvements in productivity.
Not only do these systems drive efficiency, but they also possess self-healing abilities. They can independently identify and rectify issues that arise during test execution, thereby enhancing the overall quality and resilience of the product or service.
Representative use cases
The figure below illustrates 18 representative use cases of GenAI technology in a maturity continuum across the software testing lifecycle that can be implemented in the short, mid and long term. As the technology matures over time, it is anticipated to reduce the need for human intervention and would have the ability to seamlessly integrate with the enterprise automation platforms and tools. Value potential, represented by the size of the diamond, denotes the feature or capability impact on the final quality of the product or service.