EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Client profiling and communication
The complexity of contracting and onboarding stems from the variation of documentation across different client profiles. Each profile may have unique regulatory, jurisdictional and operational (e.g., netting and accounting) considerations. The chosen market access model also will require documentation tailored to the client. Participants will need to be mindful of the initial decisions that are made to comply with the rule. The interconnection of the areas mentioned above will impact the type and volume of documentation that will be required.
Client profiling should include:
- Reviewing U.S. Treasury cash and repo data to determine trading activity subject to the mandate
- Classifying clients by biographical profile (e.g., trading volumes, jurisdiction, credit risk)
- Identifying accounts (e.g., 40 Act funds, corporates) that will enter the cleared U.S. Treasury market and engaging with those clients to discuss the implications
- Determining potential market access models for each client profile
A plan should be established for executing client communications and education initiatives that clearly explain market structure changes and prepare clients for the shifts ahead. Additionally, there will likely be new entrants into the clearing space besides Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) that intend to offer centralized clearing. At the outset, market participants will need to understand the various contingencies to completing their suite of documentation, including existing and new market access models, decisions on existing clearing documentation, as well as the expected contracting timelines for the updated suite of trading agreements.
Implementing onboarding and support processes for a smooth transition also is critical in this first phase. Onboarding activities should include:
- Gathering impacted documents based on client profiles to set up clearing relationships
- Collaborating with legal teams to make the required enhancements to new and existing templates
- Determining a tracking methodology for onboarding and operational setup
- Selecting technology enablers for the management and tracking of clearing application submissions
- Implementing a process to ensure all necessary activities to establish cleared relationships are completed