EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
The EY-Adobe Alliance can boost customer acquisition, personalize customer experiences at scale and increase growth.
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Beyond generic content – personalization through GenAI
The journey toward true personalization in marketing has been long, and while the term may have worn thin for some, its significance is revitalized with the emergence of GenAI. This technology is reshaping the way brands perceive and engage with their customers. The era of broad market segments is giving way to a new paradigm where each customer is acknowledged for their distinct tastes and preferences. GenAI stands at the heart of this shift, offering the tools to move beyond the fatigue of overused marketing jargon and into a realm of genuine, individualized connection.
Technology is enabling brands to create experiences that resonate deeply and personally. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and vast data sets, experiences are tailored to each individual, resulting in a customer journey that not only is seamless but also intuitively aligned with their lifestyle. This marks a new era where every interaction is an opportunity to reinforce the bond between brand and consumer, making personalization a truly individualized encounter.
For example, many brands are transforming loyalty programs powered by AI, offering rewards and experiences that are customized to the habits and preferences of high-value customers. This strategic approach to personalization at scale fosters a sense of individual attention and care, deepening customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases. The next logical step to these “classic” AI-driven experiences, GenAI offers a new opportunity to optimize copy, media and delivery that results in higher response rates to calls to action — and ultimately drives revenue.
The era of one-size-fits-all marketing is giving way to a more nuanced and effective strategy where every interaction is an opportunity to affirm the customer’s unique relationship with the brand. GenAI offers new, previously unattainable ways to unlock this level of personalization, providing a competitive edge in a market that values authenticity and individualized experiences.