
US technical accounting guidance and financial reporting thought leadership produced by the EY US Professional Practice Group.

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    Our commitment to audit quality

    We embrace our responsibility as independent auditors to perform high-quality audits that promote trust and confidence in the capital markets. 

    Our commitment to audit quality

    Other insights

    Quarterly update for audit committees

    As audit committees prepare for quarterly meetings, we share an update on developments in financial reporting, risk management, accounting and disclosures.

    How board oversight of capital allocation can drive strategy

    Learn how boards can provide oversight of capital strategy including how to expand their economic acumen, challenge management and encourage deal-making.

    Four ways boards can support the effective use of AI

    Find out four ways boards can enhance their oversight of AI to create operating efficiencies and support strategy and growth.

    Five key SEC priorities in 2024

    2024 SEC priorities: what public companies, boards and investors should know.

    What audit committees are reporting to shareholders

    Find out how audit committee disclosures in the proxies of Fortune 100 companies have changed in the last decade.

    What directors need to know about the 2024 proxy season

    Get a preview of the 2024 proxy season and learn what investors are prioritizing around talent, director accountability, ESG, engagement topics, and more.