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Anticipate and adapt to the evolving legislative and regulatory implications of the 2024 US election.
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1. Trade and supply chains:
The Trump and Biden-Harris administrations have been skeptical of free trade and emphasized protecting US manufacturing and supply chains. However, their views on specific methods and approaches vary greatly; Harris would likely maintain or increase the Biden administration’s trade priorities, including the focus on climate and worker protections if elected.
2. Technology:
Tech, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), remains an important policy issue in Washington. Both administrations have recognized AI’s potential, but their approaches to regulating the associated risks differ. The Biden-Harris administration issued an executive order (EO) promoting “safe, secure, and trustworthy” AI development, while Trump pledged to rescind this order, citing free speech concerns.
3. Tax:
The balance of power in Congress will influence not only domestic tax policy, but the US approach to ongoing global debates on issues such as digital services taxes and a global minimum corporate tax. Republicans generally oppose signing on to a global minimum tax. Harris has yet to release a comprehensive tax plan, although she likely would support the deal President Joe Biden negotiated multilaterally for a 15% minimum tax on corporations.