Insurance & Federal Claims Services

EY Insurance & Federal Claims Services teams help clients measure, document and prepare complex property damage and business interruption insurance claims. We are well-versed in all major US federal disaster grant programs and assist our clients to meet their financial goals and prevent fraud, waste and abuse.

What EY can do for you

COVID-19 Grant Closeout

Closeout is the final step in completing the FEMA public assistance grant process. It takes place once grant-funded work is finished and involves reconciling all documentation for actual amounts incurred to the federal grant closeout worksheet to confirm compliance. If documentation is incomplete, funds may be deobligated.

Our grants management teams are knowledgeable in the FEMA closeout process and how to mitigate risk throughout the grant cycle. Our core competencies of forensic accounting, financial oversight and complex compliance analysis, along with our deep knowledge of federal grant programs, enable us to assist grant recipients with successful grant closeouts.

Five keys to successful COVID-19 grant closeouts

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants for COVID-19-related costs provided critical lifelines to communities and hospitals that would not have been otherwise able to shoulder the financial burden of pandemic response. However, compounding factors — including nationwide disaster declaration, unique types of costs incurred and a sudden shift to a virtual working world — have also created overwhelming challenges for applicants, states and FEMA. To address the challenges and risk when closing out a COVID-19 grant, read and follow five leading actions.

Researcher working in modern lab

Averting a second disaster: avoiding grant deobligation

The timing, frequency and destructive forces of disasters are unpredictable, and FEMA’s disaster recovery plans and processes continue to evolve, resulting in legislative changes and disaster program changes. Keeping up with new disaster recovery legislation, policy, guidance and requirements can often be challenging for recipients and subrecipients.

Averting a second disaster

How our disaster assistance teams can help


The EY Insurance & Federal Claims Services team is composed of forensic accountants; CPAs; former local, state and federal emergency management executives; inspectors general; and insurance adjusters who have spent their careers leading and supporting response and recovery to catastrophic disasters.


We bring industry and subject matter resources from our dedicated practice, along with EY professionals across the US and globally to assist clients from small single events to large multi-national disasters.

With decades of experience, our Insurance & Federal Claims Services teams understand the multiple funding options available to prepare for and recover from disasters. We help corporations, governments, communities and nonprofits navigate challenges to recover fully and comply with applicable rules and regulations.

We have successfully assisted in recovering more than $35b in funding through commercial insurance and federal disaster programs for our clients and their communities. This includes working on virtually every major disaster over the past 20 years.

Our teams guide clients in preparing for, responding to and recovering from losses through the following services:

  • Commercial insurance claims, including property damage and business interruption insurance claims, extra expense, contingent time element, cyber, product recall, builder’s risk, special event and liability

Download the Cyber and network security insurance claims

  • Federal disaster grant reimbursement for recipients and subrecipients, including financial documentation support, procurement assistance, risk assessments, strategic funding, grant formulation, mitigation applications, reporting, monitoring, grant closeout, appeals and audits

How EY can help FEMA grant recipients

The Insurance & Federal Claims Services team brings a unique combination of experiences, market-based insights, fresh perspectives and leading practices, plus replicable models for success to support recipients with closeouts.

Researcher working in modern lab

  • We are well-versed in all of the major US federal disaster grant programs, including FEMA’s Public Assistance program, FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, Federal Highway Administration grants, HUD Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery, CDBG Mitigation, USDE RESTART grants, FEMA’s Urban Areas Security Initiative
  • Multinational disaster funding coordination assistance
  • Pre-disaster mitigation, trainings and exercises
  • Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activations support

We understand our clients’ needs and leverage our knowledge gained from current and past grant programs to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

Our latest thinking on Insurance & Federal Claims Services

Transforming compliance with advanced strategies and technologies

Learn how multinationals are approaching compliance challenges and driving advancements. Read the 2024 Global Integrity Report – US edition.

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How state broadband leaders can protect distributed capital from the IIJA

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How “Buy America” applies to federal financial assistance programs

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01 Nov 2023 Bradley (BJ) Nichols + 1

10 important tips for developing an effective cost estimate

It is critical that federal grant recipients establish and document cost reasonableness. Read to learn more.

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Three tips for obtaining a domestic preference waiver

By following three tips, you can increase your chances of obtaining a waiver and avoid risk of noncompliance with requirements. Learn more.

26 Oct 2023 Bradley (BJ) Nichols + 1

How to decode HUD CDBG disaster programs

Two significant CDBG programs have similarities, but it may be challenging to determine which one may be right for an organization. Learn more.

25 Oct 2023 Bradley (BJ) Nichols + 1

Seven tips to manage risks for COVID-19 ongoing costs

Applicants may be incurring ongoing COVID-19-related costs that are eligible for reimbursement from federal awards. Learn tips for monitor ongoing costs.

31 Mar 2023 Bradley (BJ) Nichols + 1

    The Insurance & Federal Claims Services team

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