EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
EY Insurance & Federal Claims Services teams help clients with disaster assistance through federal disaster recovery grants and insurance claims services.
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CDBG-DR on post-disaster: Recovery vs. mitigation
CDBG-DR is primarily focused on post-disaster recovery, aiming to rebuild damaged infrastructure, housing, and public services while revitalizing the local economy. These funds are activated in response to a disaster declaration and allocated on a case-by-case basis, addressing immediate recovery needs. The administration of CDBG-DR involves collaborative efforts among HUD, state and local governments, and community stakeholders. CDBG-MIT emphasizes proactive measures for long-term mitigation, seeking to enhance community resilience and reduce the impact of future disasters. These funds are pre-allocated based on the magnitude and frequency of past disasters, providing a proactive approach to disaster mitigation. The administration of CDBG-MIT involves a competitive grant process, where communities develop comprehensive mitigation plans and propose projects aligned with their specific needs and vulnerabilities.
For both programs, grantees receive funding based on a formula calculation. Once funds are received, the usage of these funds at the grantee and subgrantee levels must align with at least one of the CDBG program’s several national objectives.