EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
EY IA services can help your business define the IA vision to create value from thought leadership, digital insights, and risk management. Learn more.
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3. How will you account for upside and outside risks, not just downside?
Risk management is often centered around downside risks, such as fraud or cyber attacks, that are inherent in an organization’s operations that must be prevented or mitigated. Yet, as the COVID-19 pandemic has shown, truly understanding the environment also requires a broader understanding of risk, including when your organization may miss out on an opportunity (an upside risk).
Risk assessments should anticipate risk continuously — not just at the start of the year or a quarter, and not in a monotonous process that spits out a yes-or-no answer. EY VIA will handle this by bringing in many sources of data, and it puts automation and analytics to use and triggers the digital mindset of your talent when recommending action items. Perhaps they will want to issue a finding or explore the surfaced issue in more depth. The assessment is a four-step process:
- Identify possible risks that an organization’s processes are subjected to
- Prioritize risks
- Identify and assess the value of risks
- Determine risk treatment options to deal with the risks
A platform built on leading practices, yet flexible
As an organization’s business needs change, EY VIA can be adjusted to meet your needs. The views and the formats of your templates can be configured in any way, and your rules and responsibilities, access points, and approval points can be defined as you see fit. EY VIA can also be easily adapted through suite of modules that can be added or dropped as needed, covering and transforming the complete IA life cycle.
Through EY VIA, you gain a complete holistic view of your risk and process universe while expanding the depth and breadth of your risk analysis, identifying topics beyond today’s scope — all while working more efficiently.