Navigating the landscape of tax transparency

Join panelists from EY’s Sustainability Tax practice and The Proctor & Gamble Company for the next installment in our quarterly series of webcasts discussing the role of tax in sustainability.

As stakeholders demand more information around why, where and how much tax companies are paying, disclosures documenting companies’ tax planning, governance and risk are a significant focus area for sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG). The landscape around tax transparency is evolving, with voluntary frameworks, mandatory reporting, increased financial statement disclosures and global minimum taxes. The information provided in this more transparent reporting is of great interest to governments, investors and other stakeholders.

Join panelists from EY’s Sustainability Tax practice and The Proctor & Gamble Company for the next installment in our quarterly series of webcasts discussing the role of tax in sustainability as we talk about tax transparency, what it means, how to think about it and how to effectively navigate it inside and outside your organizations.


  • Erik Rosenfeld, Vice President – Taxes, North America Tax Operations, The Procter & Gamble Company
  • Kevin Dehner, Managing Director, Sustainability Tax Center of Excellence, Ernst & Young LLP


  • Kristen Gray, EY Americas Sustainability & ESG Tax Leader
EY webcast managed and produced by Ernst & Young LLP’s Tax Technical Knowledge Services Group, Washington, DC: Lynn Fairfax


Feb 2024


CPE credits: 1.2


20:00 - 21:00 your local time

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