EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
Reorganize the enterprise to optimize digital product development
Three insights emerged from our research that can help traditional companies establish effective digital product development functions.
1. Restructure your operating model to achieve your goals
Deploy an operating model that best reflects the company’s level of digital product maturity
Where a traditional company sits on the product maturity scale will drive the type of operating model it should deploy and how strongly product development needs to be integrated with other functions.
Startups tend to be very product-centric. They have a lean corporate structure, with product teams that not only focus on driving product and revenue growth but that are also responsible for managing support functions.
As organizations scale, the operating model shifts to become more customer centric. Leadership becomes more centralized and independent departments manage support, allowing product teams to focus more exclusively on product development. However, this transition can yield poor results if centralized functions (marketing, finance, etc.) begin to drive product decisions rather than empowering the product teams. This can be a potential pitfall for traditional companies that already have firmly established support organizations that may be inclined to influence fledgling product teams.
Organizations with product maturity apply a federated approach that provides the right balance between autonomy and a centralized structure through shared services. Products become decoupled from one another, operating independently but with common processes, taxonomies and reporting structures. Product teams and functional support share ownership of profits and losses (P&L), while functional support ownership is shared between independent departments and resources embedded in the product teams.
Specific functions will play different roles, with their level of integration into product development dependent on product maturity.