Equity Capital Markets

What we can do for you

Our ECM team provides a wide range of services, delivering an independent perspective to boards and management teams on all elements of deal preparation, process, execution, and after-market considerations. The team works side by side with Ernst & Young LLP IPO readiness professionals and our Debt Capital Markets team to provide clients with tailored advice and integrated, unbiased recommendations across the capital structure.

The team leverages decades of experience from bookrunning capital markets transactions to provide a full spectrum of advisory services across equity capital products and strategies including:

  • IPOs
  • Follow-on/secondary offerings
  • Monetization alternatives
  • Convertible debt offerings
  • Call spread execution and unwind
  • Acquisition financing strategies
  • Private capital raises
  • Capital return strategies including share repurchase and dividend alternatives
  • Investor communication/messaging

In particular, the ECM team can provide prospective issuers with value-added context grounded in data, and advice with respect to:

  • Equity story and investment thesis messaging
  • Building relationships with Wall Street
  • Developing materials to effectively educate investment bankers, research analysts and investors
  • Considering underwriting syndicates and structures
  • Fee/economics alternatives
  • Market conditions and windows
  • Timing considerations
  • Equity analyst management and communication
  • Transaction structuring decisions
  • Share allocation and pricing considerations

Our latest thinking

Equity capital markets: Rate cycle and market performance review

This article examines rate cycles and market performance over the past 25 years

How bolder CEOs take charge to shape their future with confidence

EY CEO confidence index assesses CEO sentiment across sector growth, price and inflation, business growth, talent, and investment and technology. Read more

Equity Capital Markets Update

A review of prior retrenchments, recoveries, and an outlook for the US IPO market.

The new corporate strategy playing field

Corporate strategy is being upended by new stakeholders, competitors and the need to quickly add differentiating capabilities.

What you need to know about SPACs

What you should know about SPACs. Learn more.

EY Equity Capital Markets Update - IPO market conditions continue to improve

With rising confidence in the IPO asset class, indicators suggest momentum from 1H 2024 carried over into the third quarter and beyond. Read more.

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    Ernst & Young Capital Advisors, LLC (EYCA) is a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA providing sector-specific advice on M&A, debt capital markets, equity capital markets and capital restructuring transactions. It is an affiliate of Ernst & Young LLP serving clients in the US.