Be curious and never stop learning; you never know what doors will open.

Neil Cherry

EY Asia-Pacific Consulting Technology Field of Play Leader

Hands-on dad. Open air enthusiast. Technology Executive.

Neil is the EY Asia-Pacific Consulting Technology Field of Play Leader in Sydney, Australia. 

He has lived and worked in Australia, the United Kingdom and Japan, and undertaken project work in several European countries. Neil has a Master of Engineering degree and is a chartered engineer.

Prior to joining EY, Neil worked for two major IT companies and has undertaken consulting and technology engagements in multiple industries; including with energy, telecommunications, insurance and airline clients. He most recently led a technology consulting competency group of nearly 600 people, including finance, supply chain, customer, talent, data analytics, cloud and emerging technology skilled professionals.

Outside of work, Neil attempts to stay fit by swimming in ocean pools, finding time to go to the gym and partaking in any outdoor activity. 

How Neil is building a better working world

"I have a personal passion for technology solutions and engagements that can provide positive outcomes for people, society and the planet; and there are multiple examples of such engagements in every industry. 

I love to build teams with energetic and skilled individuals who are passionate about what they do and are excited about their own personal growth.  Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than seeing clients and EY employees grow their careers and have a positive impact on society."

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