The bulk of my experience is in bringing international teams of people together to solve complex business problems and build a better working world.

Erik R. Funfar

EY Americas Energy Technology Consulting Partner

MBA graduate. Marine veteran. Energy technologist with a passion for sustainability.

Erik is a Partner in the technology consulting practice, with deep experience in the energy industry, specifically oil & gas and chemicals, and with Microsoft technology, innovative advanced technology and business transformation. He has more than 20 years of experience using technology to drive cultural business change.

Erik draws from a unique background of military service, in-the-field energy work and broad strategy development to support clients. He began his career in logistics with the US Marine Corps. Afterward, he moved into international sales management and later worked for one of the world’s largest independent energy companies.

Erik earned an MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics and a BS in International Business Management from California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo.

How Erik is building a better working world

“Even with all the benefits and breakthroughs technology creates, I believe you have to approach each person from the heart. If you can be empathetic, you can connect with someone, no matter their culture, gender, race, or where they call home. I want to use insights gained from my diverse experiences to bring well-rounded teams together to solve complex business problems.”

Erik's latest thinking

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