Our lawyers provide holistic guidance around strategic business decisions, bridging the gap between business advisors and legal counsel.

Dr Cornelius Grossmann

EY Global Law Leader

Global Law Leader. Passionate about integrity and diversity. Father of five. Fond of classical music.

Areas of focus

Cornelius is our Global Law Leader with about 2,000 lawyers in more than 80 jurisdictions. His experience includes large domestic and international reorganization projects, post-merger integration and financial and operational management. With more than 20 years of experience in providing legal advisory services to business, Cornelius has been lead legal counsel in numerous international and domestic reorganizations.

From 1999 through 2007, Cornelius worked in New York advising clients on international corporate and business reorganizations. Prior to this, he worked for law firms in Germany and New York. Cornelius earned a Juris Doctor law degree from the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg.


How Cornelius is building a better working world


“In my work at EY I focus on delivering top quality legal services of a globally operating multi-disciplinary practice. One of my aims is to address the increasingly complex legal and business challenges of our clients in innovative ways, realizing that technology and digitalization are playing increasingly important roles in how we provide exceptional client service.

On this route, impeccable performance is as much inspirational to me as EY’s unique culture of diversity and cross-border teaming, both of which make us stand out as a professional services provider and employer in the marketplace.”

Cornelius's latest thinking

The General Counsel Imperative: How the law department is key in unlocking your sustainability strategy

As sustainability issues increasingly create risk, law departments are expected to play a key role in driving their organization’s compliance.

    Contact Cornelius