Coleen Blakely

EY Americas Life Sciences Tax Leader; EY US-East Region Business Tax Services Leader; Tax Partner, Ernst & Young LLP

Leader of EY Americas Life Sciences Tax and US-East Region Business Tax Services teams. Passionate, connected community builder. Wife. Mother. Explorer. Rower.

With more than 20 years’ experience, Coleen is focused on serving clients by understanding their priorities and introducing deep tax subject matter resources, with a focus on the LifeSciences sector. Her work includes tax provision review processes, technical tax accounting matters, global compliance and transactions. She also is experienced in federal tax and research credit planning and is passional about tax technology.

Coleen holds a Bachelor and Master of Accounting from the University of Florida.

Case study

Pharmaceutical Global Compliance and Reporting, Pharmaceutical Superfund Chemical Excise Tax, Pharmaceutical Enterprise Compliance and Governance, Pharmaceutical Internal Audit Tax SMP, Biotech Assurance Tax SMP, Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Tax Technology Wavespaces

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