Brian Levine

EY-Parthenon Managing Director, Cybersecurity and Data Privacy, Ernst & Young LLP

Former US Department of Justice cybercrime prosecutor. Musical comedy writer and swing dancer. A proud parent of two.

He joined EY-Parthenon from the US Department of Justice (DOJ), where he served as the National Coordinator for more than 300 federal prosecutors focused on investigating and prosecuting computer crime and intellectual property crime. He also served as a federal prosecutor and senior counsel with the DOJ’s Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section.

Brian’s latest thinking

Why private equity cybersecurity is urgent now

Private equity cybersecurity strategy is critical in investment diligence, deal announcements, value creation and exit. Read more.

30 Mar 2023 John Hauser +1

How to keep cybercriminals out of your divestiture

Corporate deals are where the money is, for cybercriminals. But companies can protect themselves and the deal.

15 Jul 2022 John Hauser +1
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