Long-term value

Long-term value is created by focusing on a broad set of stakeholders, with a distinct purpose in mind, to sustain a business for the long term.

Today, societies demand greater responsibility from the organizations they work for, buy from and invest in.


At EY, we believe capital and talent will shift from organizations that only create value for their shareholders to those that create value in the long term, across a broader group of stakeholders, including employees, consumers, suppliers, communities, government, investors and shareholders.


Organizations that anchor their strategies to a meaningful purpose, with a focus on creating long-term, sustainable impact across stakeholders, are best positioned to benefit from, demonstrate and measure the value they create.


At EY, we are constantly learning through our own purpose journey, Building a better working world, and have applied the long-term value framework to help define and measure our ambition, building on our work with The Embankment Project for Inclusive Capitalism (EPIC) and our most recent participation in the development of Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics in partnership with the WEF IBC.


We believe this makes us uniquely suited to help organizations consider a broader set of stakeholders when defining their purpose, setting their strategy, transforming their business and measuring and reporting the value they create.

Our latest thinking

What if the difference between adversity and advantage is a resilient board?

Boards must improve resilience to mitigate risk and gain a competitive advantage. Find out how.

26 Jul 2023 Sharon Sutherland + 2

How can old friends spark new opportunities?

Keeping in touch with former co-workers can open up a whole new world of possibilities. Find out more

12 May 2023 EY Americas

Prepping for shareholder activism can help tech companies create value

Shareholder activism is a fact of corporate life. By understanding the trends and being prepared, companies can stay ahead of the critics. Learn more.

27 Jan 2023

How can you put regeneration at the heart of creating value?

Stakeholders are challenging businesses to go further, faster in their efforts to be more sustainable. Read more.

16 Dec 2022 John de Yonge

The Board Imperative: Further unlock the strategic value of CHROs

Find out how boards and Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs) should support and challenge each other to get the most out of a shifting talent dynamic.

15 Dec 2022 Sharon Sutherland + 1

    EY Value Realized 2023

    Read the report on our progress in building a better working world by creating long-term value for our people, clients and wider society.

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