EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
The EY REIT team can help your business successfully manage your capital agenda, allocate capital, enhance operations and adapt to disruptive influences.
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US-headquartered, public-listed equity REIT portfolios included over 580,000 properties at year-end 2023, including:
- More than 2,100 office buildings
- More than 200 regional malls, over 2,600 shopping centers, more than 1,500 restaurant locations and in excess of 27,000 other retail properties
- More than 8,600 industrial facilities
- Over 3,100 multifamily rental properties, with over 800,000 units
- More than 1,700 hotels
- Approximately 8,400 medical facilities comprising nearly 2,800 medical office buildings, nearly 1,700 assisted living facilities, over 1,100 skilled nursing facilities and over 2,700 other health care facilities
- Nearly 8,000 self-storage facilities
- More than 250 data centers
- Nearly 100,000 telecommunications towers
- Approximately 200,000 single-family home rental properties
- More than 207,000 billboards and outdoor advertising units
- Approximately 15 million acres of timberland