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Why utilities should reimagine their Tax and Finance functions

These groups are often viewed through a lens of cost, not value. But new operating models, technologies and skills can offer better results.

In brief

  • In a survey, leaders in the sector say they face several challenges, including tight budgets and talent shortfalls, even as they face higher expectations.
  • Our five-step process can accelerate transformation, encouraging utilities to determine their priorities and focus areas and then build a road map for change.

Today, amid evolving demands from customers, regulators and shareholders, utilities are facing increased pressure to incorporate more renewable energy generation sources into the business and integrate more digital technology into their operations to deliver safe, reliable energy to their customers. Power and utility (P&U) companies need to innovate while managing risks, managing their workforce and digitally transforming their back-office functions — and they must have capital free to do so. 

Better Finance: Insights for CFOs, Controllers, and Finance Executives

Against this backdrop, Tax and Finance functions have a significant opportunity to distinguish themselves as a function of value rather than as a source of cost. But according to sector-specific data from the 2024 EY Tax and Finance Operations (TFO) survey, 57% of US P&U respondents cite a lack of budget as the biggest barrier preventing Tax and Finance functions from delivering their purpose and vision — significantly higher than the 43% average across all services and regions. And 57% of US P&U companies say that effectively managing budgets and spending is a top priority over the next three years vs. 49% more broadly, making it the most widely cited response across both data sets.


During a historically challenging time to recruit and retain talent, Tax and Finance functions are often bogged down with repetitive manual tasks and primarily charged with maintaining compliance (the #2 most popular priority for US P&Us but #3 overall across all respondents). In the face of these dynamics and — at times — competing priorities, how can utilities reimagine their Tax and Finance functions to drive value across the organization and be a strategic partner to the C-suite? Increasingly, the answer lies in co-sourcing arrangements, with generative AI on the horizon as another strategic enabler.


A confluence of challenges

Beyond a lack of budget (57%), US P&U respondents tell us that their biggest barriers also include inabilities to adequately advise the business given the complexity and unpredictability of the global tax landscape (23%), to hire and retain required talent (13%), and to execute on a sustainable plan for data and technology (7%).

Repetitive manual tasks and outmoded technology limit what Tax and Finance functions can achieve. Instead of merely focusing on compliance, they could be a source of value, freeing up capital for investment.

That last point is also important considering the tremendous potential of GenAI. Among all respondents, 87% believe that the technology will help drive increase effectiveness and efficiencies within functions in the next three years — a dramatic increase from the 15% who said so in 2023. In the next three years is worth emphasizing, as P&U organizations likely have foundational issues with managing data that must be addressed first.

“The sky is the limit with AI, but P&U organizations must have the right data in the right format to leverage it effectively — or else it could be garbage in and garbage out,” said Terry Huggins, EY US P&U Tax Sector Leader.

Yet 67% of US P&U Tax functions say IT does not treat them as a key stakeholder in data and technology strategy and implementation efforts. Of that total, 57% report that they are consulted, but it is typically too late to influence the key decisions, while 10% say they experience minimal or no integration. These findings are in line with overall results across sectors and regions.

With stretched resources and increasing regulatory complexity, and generally lacking a seat at the decision-making table, only 10% of US P&U respondents say their top priorities include becoming a stronger value-added business partner in their organizations — less than half of the 23% figure cited across all respondents. Meanwhile, among all respondents, 86% say that they plan to reduce their tax and finance budgets. These are warning signs that should merit serious discussion.

“In the vicious cycle of doing more with less, it is increasingly challenging to deliver value, through AI or otherwise, and one rapidly becomes a cost center,” Huggins said. “Tax leaders must reorient the discussion around where your resources are most effective for the business’s overall strategy, and how you can leverage partners and technology to handle the rest.”

Working with our EY resources has enabled our core tax team to really double down on strategically aligning with the C-suite while meeting our professional obligations.

A fit-for-purpose operating model

Whether to enable greater co-sourcing or leverage new technologies such as GenAI, utilities should look broadly across their tax and finance functions now and in the future and address them as a cohesive whole as opposed to siloed competencies. Specifically, companies should:

1. Scrutinize your current target operating model. Now is the time to examine your organization’s priorities around cost controls, high-value activities and risk management to understand how your Tax and Finance functions contribute to your overall business strategy. “Oftentimes a trigger for change is when a function becomes understaffed and is unable to fulfill its more productive aspirations. It even may struggle just to complete its reporting on time,” Huggins said.

2. Determine what to build. Keeping tax and finance activities in-house generally requires some degree of internal transformation to improve efficiency of existing people, data processes and technology — and GenAI adds an intriguing mix of opportunities, with risks. Some organizations may decide to keep activities they consider higher value and best-in-class, but they need to be sure they can perform these activities with improved effectiveness and control.

3. Determine what to co-source (or outsource). Some organizations may decide it’s better to co-source some activities, especially those that are more routine such as completion of tax returns, regulatory filings and data collection. It may be that co-sourcing these tasks can be performed at lower costs through centralization or use of third parties.

Seeking help
of overall respondents say they are likely to co-source in the next two years.

Co-sourcing and outsourcing often offers the easiest and quickest path forward to results. A wide spectrum of options exist that would be effective for different P&U companies, but efficiency and headcount reduction — while understandably important — should be approached thoughtfully to deliver greater value, not just cut costs.

CenterPoint Energy had been struggling with inefficient processes and technology that led to high turnover in the Tax department. Without enough people to do the work, it turned to Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) through an EY wavespace™ strategy session to help define what to keep in-house and what could be co-sourced. The utility ultimately decided to leverage the EY Tax Finance Operate solution, and some employees were brought over to EY US.

EY US did a great job building trust with me and the team. I have more time to focus on strategic initiatives instead of just the day-to-day operations, which is great, and I have access to subject-matter resources whom I can reach immediately to talk through some technical questions. We're still only in the first year of the arrangement, but we continue to see the trust and relationship-building

4. Find the right balance. The shifting regulatory landscape and sudden technological advances can be a struggle to keep up with in a cost-effective manner: addressing the needs of today with an eye toward tomorrow in back-office functions risks fraying your focus or requires costly investment. Finding the right balance of what to own and what to outsource or co-source enables flexibility so an organization can scale up or down as needed, in response to growth plans or challenging periods.

Getting the most out of a third-party provider requires understanding where in-house resources are best positioned to add value and where their capabilities may be lagging. The options available exist on a spectrum: many companies will decide a hybrid approach is right for them, where they decide to continue to own some Tax and Finance functions they consider to be critical, while co-sourcing others.

5. Maximize your data. Data is a core component to capturing value from an operation model redesign: how many sources of it you have access to, how much it’s integrated into the operating model through automation, and what level of governance supports the integrity of the data and how well it’s used. Bringing together data with fresh thinking in a co-sourcing or outsourcing arrangement can be a powerful driver of value, and naturally GenAI is a large part of this discussion as well.

A value driver

Ultimately, the right mix of top-quality people, greater efficiencies through technology and a forward-looking operating model can provide more time and ability to expose value across a company.

For P&U companies specifically, opportunities exist in virtually all areas of tax, such as sales taxes and property taxes and beyond — as well as getting plugged into renewables and e-mobility offerings, for example — along with risk reduction and mitigation.


A reimagined Tax and Finance function is all about accelerating into the future: freeing up capital and better addressing risks, while cost-effectively maximizing the benefits of both technology and people.

About this article

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