EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Optimize operations with Ernst & Young LLP Supply Chain consulting services. Use tech and AI to boost resilience, efficiency and value.
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Optimization for innovation
Collaborating with suppliers across process and product dimensions can positively impact the consumption of resources, which may help supercharge a company’s ability to tap into new sources of revenue while maintaining a competitive position. For example, leveraging innovation capabilities in the supplier base can bolster speed to market and create buy-in into a cocreated future and enhance research and development resource management. Active engagement with the supply base via product lifecycle management activities can help in the control of total cost of ownership, allowing businesses to identify inefficiencies and helping them realize opportunities to improve profitability.
Optimization of collaborative planning processes, such as integrated business planning (IBP) and sales and operations planning (S&OP), promotes strategic business alignment, streamlining inventory and working capital, enhancing visibility and decision-making, and unlocking liquidity to drive strategic growth.
An example of optimization in action is a global food manufacturer that, to reduce cost of goods sold and achieve a 10% decrease in inventory levels, leveraged suppliers to reduce product specification complexity, undergoing an SKU rationalization exercise that resulted in better working capital management and an improved logistics footprint. Collaborative optimization efforts such as these can have positive implications throughout the value chain, with improved bottom line results and efficiency for procurement and planning teams, as well as improved quality control, resource optimization and waste reduction for suppliers.