Corporate responsibility

At EY, we believe we have a duty to act responsibly and in the long-term interests of all stakeholders, guided by our purpose of building a better working world.
Let’s work together
If you see opportunities to collaborate and scale impact, the EY Ripples team would like to hear from you.

Americas Corporate Responsibility FY23 Social Impact

New report shows how EY is building a better working world in our communities.

ey volunteer

As a proud participant in the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the global EY organization is committed to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to aligning strategy and operations with the UNGC Ten Principles.

Through the EY Ripples program, EY people are devoting their time to SDG-focused projects, bringing together the combined skills, knowledge and experience of the global EY network in pursuit of one shared vision: to positively impact one billion lives by 2030. At the same time, across the global EY organization, we continue to challenge ourselves to embed responsibility, inclusiveness and sustainability more deeply in everything we do. This includes through global commitments to upholding and promoting human rights, and to innovating toward a net zero future.

Overseeing these commitments is the EY Corporate Responsibility Governance Council, which includes several members of the EY Global Executive, and brings together leaders from across EY functions, service lines and geographies.

Positively impacting one billion lives by 2030

Faced with the urgent and interconnected challenges of climate change and social inequality, we believe businesses must go further, faster, to build a better working world — one that is socially just, economically inclusive and environmentally regenerative by design. Launched in 2018, with the ambition to positively impact one billion lives by 2030, the EY Ripples program embodies our quest to lead EY people and networks in accelerating progress toward the SDGs.

Key milestone
is the number of lives EY Ripples aims to have impacted by 2025.

Using EY skills and experience across three focus areas

Together with clients and other like-minded organizations, EY people use their distinctive skills, knowledge and experience to bring positive change across three focus areas: supporting the next generation workforceworking with impact entrepreneurs and accelerating environmental sustainability. These are the areas where we believe our combined capabilities can make the biggest impact — where each ripple we start has the potential to grow and join with others to create waves of change.

Mentor girls computer

Hours of service
hours were devoted by EY people to EY Ripples initiatives in the Americas in FY23.

EY Ripples extends the value of EY knowledge and networks to people and places we might not otherwise reach. It empowers EY people to devote their time to SDG-focused projects that apply their skills in different contexts, and helps them develop as more inclusive leaders with a deeper understanding of the challenges facing low-income and marginalized communities. As more and more EY people learn to appreciate the social value of the skills they use every day, we are creating long-term value for society that becomes more deeply embedded in our culture.



By joining forces with clients and other like-minded organizations, we can achieve together what no one organization could achieve alone.



Tackling the interconnected challenges of climate change and social inequality requires systemic change. By joining forces with clients and other like-minded organizations — including the following — across multiple countries, we can achieve together what no one organization could achieve alone. The constellation of organizations we work with includes government bodies, nonprofits, multinational corporations and impact investors, and it’s growing all the time.

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Awards and accolades

Our leadership in corporate responsibility continues to garner honors and attract recognition in the market.

Let’s work together
If you see opportunities to collaborate and scale impact, the EY Ripples team would like to hear from you.

Operating responsibly

At EY, we believe that when organizations align their aims with society’s, they will be more valuable and viable in the long-term, and we will all be closer to addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges. It is through this lens that we make long-term commitments, including in relation to upholding human rights and innovating toward a net zero future.

Bridging the digital divide

EY is committed to support underserved populations by joining forces with organizations to provide devices, internet access and mentorship.

Portrait of group of people activists protesting on streets, women march and demonstration concept.

The EY carbon ambition

The global EY organization has set targets to significantly reduce absolute emissions, and to remove or offset more carbon than we emit each year, making EY carbon negative in 2021 and net zero by 2025.

tree sapling hand planting sprout in soil with sunset close up male hand planting young tree over green background

EY Value Realized 2023

Read the report on our progress in building a better working world by creating long-term value for our people, clients and wider society.

Our latest thinking

Four lessons from the EY culture of mentorship

As learning opportunities, mentorships make positive impacts that last — no matter where participants are in their careers. Learn more.

Making an impact, one life at a time

EY Americas Corporate Responsibility FY23 social impact report explores the progress we’ve made, initiatives we’ve led, and inspiring stories.

How can we empower the next generations to build a more sustainable future?

Corporations, educational institutions, and governments must be prepared to “green skill” tomorrow’s workforce. Learn more.

What could we achieve together that no one could achieve alone?

Learn how EY Ripples mobilizes a community of organizations to support the UN SDGs, with the ambition of impacting 1 billion lives by 2030.

How can one volunteer day start a lifetime of change?

EY Connect Day is an annual event when we encourage all our people across the Americas to volunteer on a single day.

How to inspire the next generation of women in STEM

Using gamified learning and content from world-renowned providers, the EY STEM App opens up a world of possibilities for girls. Learn more.

How business and Gen Z can work together to tackle climate change

EY teams are facilitating life-long learning on climate change and connecting the voices of Gen Z with business. Discover more.

In today’s digital world, how do we make sure no one is left behind?

Learn about our progress in the first year of bridging the digital divide, including challenges, successes and the impact we’ve made on our communities.

How firms can thrive by taking a stand in closing the divide

Firms will need to revisit their business strategy, products and services to achieve profitable financial inclusion.

What more can business do to tackle inequality?

What more can business do to embed inclusion of low-income and marginalized communities? Find out in a new inclusive business playbook from Acumen and EY.

Private sector mentoring of the future workforce strengthens communities

Corporate mentoring programs help strengthen communities and create shared value for all businesses by developing the future workforce. Learn more.

How business and education can help Gen Z reframe the future

Gen Z participants in JA Worldwide programs expect business and education to work more closely together to better prepare them for the future. Learn more.

How EY is helping underserved college students to persist during COVID-19

Ernst & Young LLP and College MAP teams are providing just-in-time grants for underserved college students impacted by COVID-19.

How sharing your business skills can help nonprofits grow

EY Community Impact provides an immersive volunteer experience that delivers EY services to entities that otherwise could not afford them.

How EY-Earthwatch Ambassadors champion environmental stewardship

EY early-career professionals embark on Earthwatch expeditions to Latin America to provide skills-based services to local communities.

How College MAP has changed young lives

EY College MAP continues to deliver on its commitment to support the next generation