Embracing intelligent automation will no doubt spark a new era in life sciences, amplifying human ingenuity to expedite R&D, heighten efficiency and drive cost reduction.

Ricardo Vilanova

Partner, Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Automation, Ernst & Young LLP

EY Consulting Services practice executive. Supports Fortune 500 companies with critical technology-driven issues. Uses data for competitive advantage and technology-enabled process redesign.

With a career of more than 25 years dedicated to IT and data, Ricardo uses advanced analytics to advise companies on performance optimization, evaluation due diligence, competitive intelligence, risk mitigation and compliance requirements.

He currently leads artificial intelligence development across EY Americas, orchestrating global AI teams and combining industry-led products and strategy to serve our priority clients.

Through his experience as a software engineer, quantitative methods consultant and in IT operations, Ricardo developed his EY career focused on advanced analytics and digital transformation projects — an area requiring not only technical skills, but a deep understanding of critical business drivers across markets and industries.

How Ricardo is building a better working world

As a pioneer in advanced technologies, Ricardo brings his technical experience and inventive perspectives to drive creative solutions across the life sciences industry globally. Having worked on several award-winning projects, Ricardo is familiar with the highest standards of delivery, regularly contributing his thought leadership to drive innovative EY initiatives and at prominent industry conferences.  

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