CPAs are the guardians of ESG integrity, shaping a transparent future with every report by ensuring accountability of disclosures.

Amanda Kraus

Partner, US-Central Region Sustainability Reporting and Assurance Leader, Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young LLP

Sustainability assurance leader. Critical thinker and people connector. Passionate about the intersection of sustainability and finance reporting. Avid board game player. Amateur baker. Boy mom.

Amanda is a partner and the US-Central Region Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Reporting and Assurance Leader. Amanda elevates ESG disclosures by helping organizations identify, manage and report material ESG information in alignment with their mission, vision and strategy. She has over a decade of experience in financial and nonfinancial reporting, focusing on risk management, measurement, criteria development, assurance readiness and assurance of ESG information.

She is an author of the EY global sustainability assurance methodology and tracks the proliferation of global ESG reporting standards, frameworks and legislation. Amanda helps management teams develop ESG data collection, calculation and validation approaches to create robust ESG disclosures and prepare for mandatory reporting.

Amanda graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a CPA in Wisconsin and Illinois, and a Six Sigma Yellow Belt. She represents the firm on the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Assurance Services Executive Committee’s Sustainability Task Force.

How Amanda is building a better working world

“I got an early introduction to sustainability during my coursework at the university, where I became fascinated by (what was at that time called) “triple bottom line” — people, planet and profit. The concept that these three things could coexist and did not have to be mutually exclusive was a very compelling thesis for me that has morphed into corporate social responsibility and, as we know it today, ESG. In my current role, I have the privilege and honor to work with many sustainability leaders. As a convener of businesses, I support firsthand the breaking down of barriers, knowledge sharing and collaboration needed to solve the most complex issues of our time. Even among the fiercest of competitors, there is a sense of stewardship that transcends the bottom line.”

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