Employment and Income Verification Services

Ernst & Young LLP introduces the industry’s first digitized VerifyEmployment platform based on software-as-a-service (SaaS) for all enterprises. Keep control of the process and the privacy and security of your employee data.

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What EY VerifyEmployment can do for you

Our proprietary leading-edge verification of employment (VOE) and verification of income (VOI) platform allows employers to:

  • Consider the business function “in-house” without the hassle of doing the work.
  • Create their own brand identity.
  • Generate an additional income stream.

Employers are inundated with time-consuming VOE and VOI requests from their current and former employees for things such as loans, credit cards, social support services, and employment.

Employers must adhere to privacy laws, regulations, and employee data rights. The employment and income verification process can create a minefield of risk, liability and cost that human resources departments then must navigate.

In the past, companies could either manage this manually in-house or turn over control to a third party. Now there is another option. You can both keep control of the verification process and free up time for your human resources team to carry out other value-added activities.

You are in control:

  • You control the fees charged to verifiers.
  • Your employee sees your trusted and branded site.
  • Robust reporting is provided for all stakeholders — you, your employee and the verifier.

Our approach

Voe voh how it works 2023

Why choose Ernst & Young LLP (EY US)?

  • We are the leading provider of workforce tax services, representing many US and global employers.
  • Our service delivery model helps facilitate integration and support across the lifecycle, allowing you to recognize several benefits and combine key EY offerings in areas such as unemployment claims, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit, and the Affordable Care Act.
  • We work extensively with confidential employee information and are committed to compliance with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity frameworks.
  • We have local engagement teams to support your needs and a single point of contact.

VerifyEmployment software

EY introduces the industry's first digitized employment and income verification platform based on software-as-a-service (SaaS) for all enterprises.

Workforce Services

What if one platform could address a wide spectrum of workforce service needs? Now it can.

Contact us
Learn more about EY verification of employment and verification of income services.
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