Each stage of the effort is essential to fully realize the benefits of managed services while mitigating risks and operational disruptions. Here are three recommendations for P&U clients to ponder as they work with AMS providers to develop IT solutions:
1. Optimize collaboration to maintain budget and operational control
One of the biggest challenges utilities face when engaging AMS providers is the diminished control over the operation of support for specific applications.
While the team that is accountable for these efforts is made up of company employees, the majority of the day-to-day responsibilities are likely driven by team members from the AMS provider.
These team members may be located on the other side of the world from the company they support, leading to concerns such as different time zones and language barriers that can hinder effective communication and aligned decision-making between the company and the AMS.
This lack of connection can also lead to less visibility into costs incurred in support of the AMS provider’s work. For example, if there is an issue that occurs with an application, and the AMS provider makes a decision to address it that ends up costing a significant amount of money, the company will be liable to cover that cost. This is true whether they consented to the solution or not. Furthermore, rate spikes and/or changes in staffing on the part of the AMS can lead to significant growth in AMS costs over time.
Avoiding this problem begins with collaborating with the AMS provider during the solution design phase to co-create an operating model that meets the enterprise requirements and then aligning the contract language to those parameters. To help reduce ambiguity in operational processes, utilities should focus on prescriptive clauses around communications and status reporting expectations; they should also incorporate definitive escalation paths for low, medium, high and critical issues identified.
The protocols around issues, such as the one described above where a complication arises and the AMS provider implements an ultimately costly solution, should leave little room for the AMS to interpret what it should do and/or how much cost it can incur to resolve a given situation.
Additionally, advancements in technology, such as generative AI (GenAI) and automation, will allow the AMS provider to deliver services more efficiently over the term of the contract and should be addressed proactively. Understanding how the financial impact of reducing service delivery costs will affect contractual rates and terms will ensure alignment on expectations and investments.
Finally, documenting relevant service level agreements (SLAs) that drive stable operations and general risk avoidance will provide consistent operating protocols and unanticipated costs. These SLAs should be matched to industry and application standards and can also be taken one step further to tie into unique business key performance indicators (KPIs) that are co-developed between the AMS provider and business and IT stakeholders. This additional level of service performance reporting will allow IT to directly communicate how the AMS provider’s services are impacting important business organizational goals.
When AMS providers are achieving their SLAs, which are tied to actual business performance outcomes, operational anomalies should be few and far between. When anomalies do occur, they will typically be the result of an extraordinary circumstance, and provisions in contracts can explicitly state how these irregularities should be handled.