Passengers at railway Modern City Public Transport

Public sector workforce transportation operating model for the future

Empowering your workforce with enhanced technology and automation.

Enhancing the workforce transportation operating model and enabling and empowering the workforce to use AI in transportation can enhance services, making them more efficient, transparent and customer-focused, ultimately improving the overall customer experience.

We truly believe that public transportation agencies nationwide have a special opportunity to tune into the evolving needs of both passengers and the workforce.


We get the challenges of constantly trying to do more with less, especially in the realm of transportation, and we see a solution that goes beyond the surface. Leaders in public transportation who take to heart the insights shared in this article are not just keeping pace; they’re staying a step ahead. It’s about operating in a way that’s more about anticipating needs than reacting to them. So here’s to a more proactive and people-centric approach that not only meets expectations but exceeds them, shaping the future of excellence in the industry.


Learn six ways to empower your workforce to embrace innovation, automation and efficiency. Download the whitepaper


This white paper introduces concepts and suggested remedies using accessible grants to meet the demands set forth by the Federal Transit Administration. It extends beyond addressing immediate concerns like recruitment and retention, emphasizing the importance of organizations strategically redesigning their operating models to achieve great efficiency with limited resources and harness a future-proof operating model that leads to true workforce sustainability.

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