EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Discover how EY can help the banking & capital markets, insurance, wealth & asset management and private equity sectors tackle the challenges of risk management.
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Technology enablement of risk management programs is not easy. A range of problems can exacerbate the challenges faced by organizations: high costs, poor data management, inconsistent or redundant processes, and difficulty in discerning relevant and timely insights needed by the organization. These challenges can be traced to three key factors:
- First, issues may be caused by a disconnected ecosystem where multiple risk management systems are not unified by a cohesive underlying data model, or operational intelligence systems are not connected to risk management systems. This can make it difficult to ascertain information about the organization, whether that is determining new or changing risks, or where similar processes and activities are taking place across the organization to mitigate similar risks.
- Second, challenges can stem from a lack of valuable insights, which happens when organizations are not asking the right questions or where reporting is produced on a stale backward-looking cycle — so that by the time observations are reported, the operational impact has already occurred.
- Finally, difficulty can arise from a lack of automation, which is often used at a disproportionately lower rate within risk management functions compared with the other areas of an organization. This increased reliance on manual processing can cause inefficient and siloed processes, redundant and disconnected outputs, and a higher cost of operations from resource needs.
These factors can cause numerous issues that create a negative user experience for external customers and internal stakeholders alike. But how can organizations prevent these issues?
Integrated risk management: solving traditional challenges
Organizations have increasingly turned to integrated risk management (IRM) to solve these challenges. IRM treats risk and compliance activities as an enterprise-wide responsibility by managing risk across the enterprise, integrating activities and using an end-to-end process to promote transparency that provides business management with better information for decision-making. However, given the complexities of today’s operating environment and the proliferation of advanced technologies, IRM principles must be supplemented with a new approach to technology enablement of risk management. This approach, known as IRM+, is defined by enabling IRM through modern enterprise technology. With IRM+, organizations can more successfully drive real-time insights, provide enhanced user experiences and decrease the cost of risk management.