EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Our Quality Engineering team reimagines testing so you spend more time innovating and less time with rote tasks. Here’s how.
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That stagnation is not for lack of trying. In fact, there have been several attempts to reimagine testing and automation: Behavior-driven development methodologies and related testing frameworks aimed to rethink the entire development process, from requirements through testing; DevOps processes aimed to fully automate and streamline the entire build and deployment process; and agile and scrum aimed to embed testing into delivery by breaking down silos between roles and shift toward a product-quality mindset. They all fundamentally shift how testing is thought about and succeeded in quickly spreading adoption; however, in most large organizations, these were only partially adopted.
While application and infrastructure technology, such as cloud-native technologies and low-code and no-code platforms, have moved at a breakneck pace, testing has been the weakest link, holding back products from getting to end users quickly. If testing can’t keep up with development and infrastructure deployment, the whole production cycle slows down. Herein lies the opportunity to better integrate artificial intelligence (AI) in software testing. First, we’ll examine the current state of testing, followed by roadblocks of AI implementation and future opportunities for AI in testing. Finally, we’ll feature what organizations can do now to boost testing capabilities.