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Publishers should instead consider developing middleware services to sell to big tech players to provide them with real-time data and professionally curated content. Middleware services — that pay per query as opposed to via lump sum — allow publishers to receive a share of profits each time their information is accessed, and they receive credit in the form of official citation. A metering API can track the number of queries made to a publisher’s API and bill the tech company or LLM provider accordingly. This offering would also provide publishers with more visibility into how their content is used and allow them to control how it is displayed to customers.
Publishers should also think about what other value they can deliver and monetize through the middleware, such as personalized content recommendations and fact-checking or information validation services. With the influx of written content, accelerated by GenAI, this service would also be helpful for researchers and writers, both internally and as a service.
If publishers prefer to go directly to consumers, they can deploy this middleware on their own platforms and apps to provide customers with an optimized experience, with content specifically edited to suit their needs. This approach would also enable publishers to create interactive experiences for readers, who can query publisher content directly and receive answers. First movers that develop this technology and interaction model could syndicate other content to become the leader in the space.
Publishers are positioned to offer up-to-date, reliable information and the highest-quality content. Rather than wondering what’s going to happen as AI becomes mainstream, they can use this opportunity to reinvent their relationship with technology players.