New EY survey highlights executive leader views on continued importance of sustainability and ESG practices

You could almost be forgiven of late for feeling that sustainability and ESG (environmental, social and governance) has lost a little of its appeal. Or that perhaps the fast-paced momentum of the trend has slowed for some leaders. The truth is, when any game-changing new business thinking arrives in the pervasive way sustainability and ESG has, that trend can often peak rapidly. But as we all set course for 2023 and beyond, it’s important to separate the mission-critical relevance of sustainability and ESG in modern business from the attention and corporate buzz it generated in 2022.

Ernst & Young LLP recently commissioned a survey on the business relevance of sustainability and ESG initiatives. Responses from the C-suite across a number of Fortune 1000 companies confirm what many of us suspected: ESG is still very much in the sights of American executives and at the top of every agenda. So, as you plot your own ESG agenda for the coming year, take a look at how peers are viewing this business imperative for the year ahead.

The C-Suite Insights: Sustainability & ESG Trends Index targeted more than 500 C-suite leaders and members of executive management at US organizations with revenues of $1.5 billion or more. Of all respondents, 91% held C-suite leadership positions.

C-Suite executives account for 91% of all survey respondents

At the EY organization, we believe sustainability is everyone’s business. While one survey cannot capture the full breadth of sustainability and ESG initiatives under way in the business landscape, corporate America is moving beyond seeing these simply as a trend. It is clear that sustainability and ESG will remain business imperatives for the year ahead.

C-suite Insights: Sustainability and ESG Trends Index

Explore the Sustainability & ESG Trends Index

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