Risk Managed Services

A smarter, faster risk function is critical to creating competitive advantage. Risk Managed Services reimagines your risk function from defensive tool to strategic enabler, giving leaders the confidence to accelerate transformation while protecting the trust of shareholders, staff and customers.

What EY can do for you

Organizations must take informed risks to innovate, differentiate and grow – to stay ahead of competitors. But traditional risk functions struggle to navigate the expanding scale, impact and pace of today’s risks, slowing down transformation and exposing organizations to breaches that jeopardize trust.

Risk Managed Services combines EY digital assets and rich capabilities, as well as our talent and insights, to help create a connected, effective and intelligent risk function that delivers better business outcomes, including:

  • Supported transformation: A common, consistent risk framework powered by data, technology and talent elevates risk performance, giving leaders the confidence to transform and help create long-term value.
  • Cost certainty and flexibility: Risk Managed Services removes upfront capital costs and offers the cost certainty of AI-powered, flexible, on-demand solutions.
  • Agility and resilience to build a future-ready business: A single, business-relevant, data-driven view of current and emerging risks strengthens resilience, helps enable agility, and guides smarter strategy.
  • Confident compliance that helps create opportunities: Staying on top of regulation through the overlay of client data with externally sourced data empowers the business with confidence to take strategic risks and unlock opportunities. 
  • Capable, tech-empowered teams: Our collaborative, human-centered approach gives your team new skills, digital assets and training, which create an equitable, risk-focused culture.

Risk Managed Services gives you a more strategic, efficient and cost-effective approach to risk, so you can focus on innovation and growth. It’s your world, running on ours, better.

Our latest thinking

How managed services can accelerate business transformation

As businesses rebuild in 2021, transformation and the ability to think differently are critical – managed services can be the solution. read more.

How businesses can stand the test of time

Businesses are struggling to thrive in times of extreme uncertainty and complexity. Learn how your enterprise can build resilience as a capability. Learn more

Four steps to embed data ethics into your data risk control environment

Data privacy concerns are pushing organizations to consider data ethics in data use decisions. Learn how to incorporate data ethics in the process. Learn more.

How to manage the talent risk in transformation

A multitude of talent risks can hinder transformation. CROs can mitigate those risks and help build a resilient workforce. Read more.

    What if doing less could help you achieve more?

    EY has the best-in-class talent, technology and processes that deliver the freedom and confidence that every business needs to perform.

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