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Digital transformation: the role of the CFO

In this episode of The Better Finance Podcast, John Murphy, Executive Vice President and CFO at Adobe Inc., joins podcast host and EY’s Myles Corson to discuss the role of the CFO in enabling digital transformation and its impact on the finance function. 

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Key takeaways

  • The modern finance function is being asked to be much more agile. While the role of the CFO has always been to be steward and protector of financial integrity, it is evolving to include driving operational performance and efficiency, and actively engaging in internal and external strategy.
  • As finance function evolves to take a larger role as the champions of organization’s financial and strategic objectives, the finance team needs to focus on fully understanding what it takes to execute the overall plan and ensure a level of consistency and transparency.
  • Conventional metrics for financial success are evolving with the use of technology in value measurement. Today’s new measurements are providing greater insight into the health of the business and support better business decisions.


Season 2, Episode 4


0h 19m 46s

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