Nicole Miller

Senior Manager, Ernst & Young LLP

Professional statistician. Mother. Wife. Travel enthusiast.

Nicole is a senior manager with the Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) Quantitative Economics and Statistics practice. She has more than 15 years of experience in statistical consulting, specifically related to sampling and estimation. Nicole is an Accredited Professional Statistician™ (PSTAT) by the American Statistical Association.

Nicole supports numerous federal agencies in their financial statement audits, improper payment testing under the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 and conducts evaluations of third-party statistical methods on behalf of the US government. She focuses on federal tax issues for Fortune 500 companies such as meals and entertainment deductions, research and development credits, and deductible repairs and maintenance costs, to name a few. Nicole has extensive experience in sampling and estimation of unclaimed property for companies performing voluntary disclosure agreements with various states.

MS Mathematics & Statistics from Georgetown University.

How Nicole is building a better working world

Nicole utilizes statistical sampling and estimation techniques to help clients maximize tax credits and deductions, remain compliant with various regulatory issues and assist in assessing whether errors found during financial statement audits are under a tolerable error threshold.

Nicole has conducted numerous sampling and estimation training courses to various groups throughout the EY organization as well as to outside organizations to help them better understand statistical sampling and its benefits. 

Nichole's latest thinking

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