High-quality audits build trust and confidence in the capital markets. At our firm, our commitment to audit quality motivates us to continuously improve.

Josh Jones

EY Americas Director of Audit and Chief Auditor - Assurance

Seasoned public accountant with over two decades of experience advising on audit methodology and regulatory and standard setting matters. Enjoys tennis and boating. Proud parent of two.

As EY Americas Director of Audit and Chief Auditor, Josh leads the development and maintenance of audit policy, methodology, tools and training for EY audit teams and oversees guidance and consultation on auditing matters.

Josh rejoined the firm after serving more than three years in the SEC’s Office of the Chief Accountant as a Professional Accounting Fellow and Senior Associated Chief Accountant. Josh previously held the role of Senior Director, Professional Practice, Policy and Research at the Center for Audit Quality. Prior to that, Josh was a public accountant for 10 years, primarily in the consumer products industry.

Josh earned a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Wake Forest University.

How Josh is building a better working world

Josh draws on his strong track record of developing tools and processes that drive audit quality to enable our audit teams to serve the public interest with distinction. He engages with regulators, standard setters and other stakeholders in the financial reporting ecosystem on matters related to public company auditing and related reporting matters. 

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