DC decisions impact businesses, workers and families across the US and the world. To navigate the complex policy arena and deliver results successfully requires agility, strategy and good judgment.

Evan Giesemann

Manager, Washington Council, Ernst & Young LLP

Former Congressional staffer with a passion for collaboration across the public and private sectors. Wisconsinite in DC. Dog dad.

Evan Giesemann is a member of the Washington Council Ernst & Young (WCEY) practice, where he provides guidance on legislative strategy and tax and trade policy.

Prior to joining WCEY, Evan spent nearly 11 years on Capitol Hill, including serving as the top economic policy advisor to members of the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee. In these roles, Evan contributed to the passage of landmark legislation including the Inflation Reduction Act, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the American Rescue Plan Act, COVID relief legislation and other key initiatives.

Evan received a BA from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA from Georgetown University.

How Evan is building a better working world

I am passionate about digging into complex issues and finding solutions to the tough challenges. In order to demystify the policymaking process and deliver results, I strive to understand the singular and exceptional needs of each client, build authentic relationships and approach each opportunity with curiosity and an open mind.

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