Nature view in different perspective

Think ESG: insights from an audit committee chair, a CFO and an ESG controller on the current landscape of corporate reporting

In this webcast, we’ll discuss the current landscape of corporate reporting from the unique perspectives of the audit committee chair, CFO and ESG controller.

As ESG reporting requirements continue to evolve, expectations of finance teams to meet these demands has never been greater.

In the latest installment of the EY Think ESG webcast series, panelists from across the finance function will provide their perspectives on ESG reporting, from the strategic to the tactical. 

Topics discussed include:

  • An overview of ESG disclosures and the proposed regulatory changes
  • The potential regulatory impacts on the audit committee
  • The potential regulatory impacts to financial statement preparers
  • The potential regulatory impacts to the CFO

Our speakers include:

  • Robert Herz, Audit Committee Chair, former Chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)
  • Mark Kaye, Chief Financial Officer, Moody’s
  • Ciara Lee, ESG Director, Cisco 
  • Jackie Klos, Partner, Financial Accounting Advisory Services, Ernst & Young LLP


CPE credits: 1.4


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