EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Helping top leaders to achieve peak performance, professionally and personally, by providing insights and networking opportunities.
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2. Build a well-rounded team and empower them
Knowing the technical aspects of tax law has not grown less important just because more soft skills are required. Create a network of people whose expertise and energy you can draw from and contribute to. Rethink the skills needed from the team, especially in areas of tax technology. Diversity is key — of skills, of thought, of ways of contributing.
Human capital is its own asset class, and as a leader you should do all that you can so that its value appreciates rather than depreciates. Be intentional on how you pass down what you learn from your leadership team. And put your colleagues in a position to speak, lead and answer questions. Can you put them in front of different boards for experience and exposure? Introduce them at networking events and dinners? Anticipate any questions that might come from leadership, rehearse with your team beforehand, and help them to back up their points with data. In doing so, you invest in your people, position them to succeed, and set a succession plan for when you’re ready to take the next step.
3. Energize the business
We all win or lose together. A leader understands how to balance decisiveness with inclusiveness — to know when to take charge or listen closely. Gather their input and present a strategic direction on one sheet to work from, with everyone in an identified vertical. Be transparent about information — if you don’t feel like that is possible, then perhaps you haven’t chosen the right people to be involved. Finally, everyone should understand the performance metrics they’re measured against, with accountability discussions on a regular basis, as well as recognition and rewards as incentives.
As surely as robotic process automation has replaced 10-key calculators, tax functions must devote as much energy toward understanding the future as they do for validating the past. Doing more requires more from us as leaders — and enables us all to go further together.