We’re seeing an uptick in complex deals—which require more due diligence—and increased interest in renewable energy acquisitions.

Questions to ask
  • What are the main factors contributing to oil and gas consolidation and renewable energy acquisitions? 
  • With the increasing complexity of energy deals, how can companies adapt their due diligence processes?

The energy sector is undergoing a significant transformation, leading to a surge in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity characterized by high-value transactions. Companies are incorporating complex factors into their M&A strategy, planning and aiming to achieve synergy targets and align with low carbon goals. An adapted integration post-announcement is crucial for the success of these M&A deals, with a focus on specific factors that can lead to efficient operations and successful oil and gas consolidations.

Elizabeth Kaske, EY-Parthenon Americas Buy & Integrate Leader, and Bruce On, EY US-West Region Strategy and Transactions Energy Leader, discuss the state of M&A in the energy sector and what companies can do to evolve successfully. 

Watch our video to learn more about integrations in the energy sector.


As deals grow in complexity, oil and gas companies are intensifying due diligence, considering sustainable energy options and focusing on integration factors like processes, systems, technology and people.

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