EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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Our Digital operations team in oil and gas can help your business boost production, lower costs and deliver a more sustainable future. Learn how.
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Data that can’t be shared, that lacks accuracy or relevancy, that is mismatched or has naming convention/granularity issues, or is limited in scope severely hampers the development of accurate, value-driving AI models, especially when it comes to complex decision analytics like those needed for the subsurface.
If your company’s technology and operations implementations efforts are bogged down, or your teams are struggling to scale, the reason is likely the lack of an agile, integrated data foundation. With four steps, your organization can get on track.
Develop strong data foundation governance
A robust data foundation doesn’t just happen. It requires strategic thinking and dedicated resources. Creating a separate data function — one that can bridge IT and the business groups that utilize advanced technology — is one approach.
Some companies are even creating chief data officer positions, with responsibility for establishing that data is collected, stored and processed securely across the enterprise.
“The oil and gas companies that are making the most progress in advanced technology like AI, digital twins, cloud computing and more understand that it’s not just about technology,” said Matt Russell, Manager, Technology Consulting, Ernst & Young LLP. “They recognize that their data can be incredibly powerful when harnessed properly. Data is the fuel that makes business transformation possible, but it requires strong controls just like any other valuable asset.”
Creating a vigorous data foundation requires the development of clear-cut guidelines and processes — who owns the data, who has access to it and who keeps it secure. That framework should support the proper allocation of people, processes and technology to effectively manage the company’s data.