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The US IPO market: 2024 in review
The US IPO market made significant strides toward recovery in 2024, further fueling optimism that 2025 could see a return to historical levels. Overall, 2024 US IPO activity showed increases in both the number of IPOs and the proceeds raised compared with the previous year. The number of IPOs jumped by 38%. Proceeds rose by 48%, with 20 deals raising more than USD500m and seven deals topping USD1b. In Q4 2024 alone, IPO proceeds doubled compared with Q4 2023, boosted by a USD1.7b deal that accounted for 30% of Q4 proceeds.
The 2024 IPO aftermarket performance on US exchanges showed strength, with average gains of approximately 30% for deals with proceeds of USD50m and above. In total, 176 US IPOs in the Americas raised USD33b in 2024.
The health care and technology, media and telecom (TMT) sectors led IPO dealmaking in 2024, making up 61% of deals and 49% of proceeds for deals with proceeds of USD50m and above.
Companies with AI-enhanced stories attracted significant investor attention. Looking ahead to 2025, broad sector participation is expected to fuel IPO activity, with the demand for companies demonstrating AI-driven results continuing to grow.