EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
EY and Guidewire can help transform your property and casualty insurance operations for better efficiency, profitability and, customer service. Learn more.
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Generational workplaces pressuring change to process automation tools
In addition to aging technology, other factors will soon threaten insurers’ ability to serve, retain and attract new customers. The rapid integration of AI into a wide variety of business processes and technologies is adding mounting pressure for organizations to keep up. There are impending challenges to the maintenance and management of legacy platforms as the retirement of long-tenured employees with the crucial first-hand experience of these systems will soon lead to a problematic knowledge gap. As younger workers make up a significant percentage of the workforce, their preference for self-guided digital tools and seamless mobile experiences will also soon demand a shift in tech architectures for insurers – and a move to process automation tools that can solve these challenges.
Evolving systems to facilitate automation
A roadblock to legacy modernization for many insurers lies in the lack of a good automation layer that can orchestrate work between humans and digital workers like AI and robotic process automation (RPA), ensuring organizations get the best out of both. A data fabric is also a crucial component. This enables organizations to discover, unify, secure and optimize enterprise data. It combines data management, integration, automation and low-code development tools to build impactful and data-rich digital solutions. Together, these technologies are highly scalable, making insurers more competitive and faster to adapt to ongoing market changes. Once implemented, these platform additions can also help with cybersecurity provisions and mitigate the escalating risk from using aging systems. Low- or no-code functionality is easier and faster to use and offers consistency across channels to further improve the experience. Recommended solutions include: