EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can help
Our EY MillionYou team can help your business build communities that unlock insight and add value. Find out how.
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Collaborative communities
To identify innovative solutions to challenges faced by clients, crowdsourcing for innovation relies on cross-organizational collaboration. The EY team focused much of their research on informal groups within organizations, otherwise known as collaborative communities. Members of these communities are diverse in rank and experience and collectively organize around a shared interest or industry. The diverse membership in collaborative communities helps to drive organic knowledge sharing and ideation.
Crowdsourcing provides a framework by which organizations can strategically tap into the power of these collaborative communities. Organizations can optimize the value of crowdsourcing and accelerate the ideation, idea evaluation, and product development pipeline by structuring ideation campaigns to target interest-driven communities instead of hosting general, open crowdsourcing campaigns. Leveraging existing collaborative communities allows organizations to easily identify diverse groups with a strong motivation to participate and the necessary skills to execute on tasks.
Crowdsourcing structures
Among the numerous methods to engage collaborative communities in crowdsourcing, two proved to be most successful: strategic campaigns and skill-based support tasks.
Strategic campaigns
Strategic campaigns involve targeted challenges to gather ideas and solutions from specific communities, aiming for broad scope and diverse input. Success metrics encompass both volume and quality, allowing for implementation of the best submissions while involving many participants.
Skill-based support tasks
Skill-based support tasks involve specialized communities tackling focused assignments like testing, research, and solution implementation, with success gauged by specific measurable outcomes such as functionality, gathered information, and effective solutions.