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Our venture capital consulting services can help your business find potential backers and can help venture funds develop portfolios companies. Learn more.
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Overall outlook and advice for entrepreneurs
Investors are carefully considering risk as they make investments. The market for existing portfolio companies should continue to be challenging overall and be driven by their business model and traction. Founders must counter those concerns with a compelling value proposition and well-conceived plan for market capture and profitability.
New companies tend to have an advantage in this environment. They don’t have the cap table baggage from recent market excesses. However, they must watch spend carefully and learn how to do more with less.
Depending on their cash position, many entrepreneurs may soon have to make tough decisions, especially if they are approaching the end of their runway. This may force many founders to consider selling or winding down their companies.
Right now, the market is contending with a record pipeline of companies needing liquidity, yet the forecast for the reopening of the public markets continues to get pushed out. Companies should use this time to get prepared to enter the public markets. This will be time and money well spent that will ultimately pay dividends for stakeholders.
In this environment, entrepreneurs, those with new and older companies alike, will need to take a few basic steps as they plan to raise funds: