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Liquidity reporting challenges and trends

Liquidity reporting expectations are evolving to align with standards of capital and other regulatory reporting.

Firms have matured their methods to implement reporting and to conform with rules. In tandem, regulators have a heightened focus on liquidity data quality and governance, adherence to regulations, sustainability of the overall process and the role of liquidity reporting in business decision-making. As part of this briefing, we discuss:

  • The evolution of liquidity reporting
  • COVID-19 liquidity reporting impacts
  • Today’s regulatory focus areas and the challenges that firms face in meeting evolving supervisory expectations for liquidity reporting
  • Emerging trends for liquidity reporting and quality assurance
  • Targeted actions that firms can take to address liquidity reporting challenges and expectations

Download the full brief

The author would like to thank Jayesh Vira for his contributions to this article.


Given the pandemic that the world is currently experiencing, there is significant focus on liquidity reporting, both externally by regulators and internally with escalated pandemic response decision-making. In the upcoming months, as society and the economy begin to heal, there will be many significant lessons learned, many of which may have an impact on future liquidity reporting decisions. If you have any questions on the subsequent brief, please reach out, but we will continue to keep you updated on liquidity reporting and any other regulatory reporting requirement updates.

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