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Harnessing technology builds confidence in audit professionals

EY Digital Audit brings excitement to early career auditors and accelerates the pace of their professional progress. Find out how.

In brief

  • Learn how EY Digital Audit gives early career team members satisfaction in their jobs.
  • New team members have opportunities to thrive and grow from day one as audit professionals.

While the foundations of the audit profession — independence, objectivity and professional skepticism — are unchanged, the EY Digital Audit is bringing excitement to the experience of our early career auditors and accelerating the pace of their professional progress.

Our digital audit enables our auditors throughout the world to take a uniform, data-first approach to their work and enhance audit quality. Powered by our global digital audit methodology and connected technology platform, our auditors use our EY Helix suite of analyzers to harness enormous volumes of client data to yield important insights. With just a few clicks, they can drill down on a financial statement account balance to a single transaction, identifying the trends that point to risks.


Using this technology builds confidence because our teams recognize that, with a data-first mindset, they can contribute valuable insights to the audit from the very beginning of their careers. With the EY Digital Audit and full populations of client data, our team members are able to understand a client’s key business processes and how transactions flow through them.


By viewing the financial statement accounts and the processes together, our auditors are better equipped to evaluate risks than they were when we relied on traditional sampling techniques.


One EY senior explains the value of seeing the full picture: “It gives me greater confidence in my understanding of the client’s processes than I had in the past. That’s allowed me to ask better questions, and the client’s accounting managers have noticed.”


In addition, by automating certain tasks in an audit, we are freeing our early career auditors to spend more time working under the guidance of executives on the audit team. This deepens their understanding of the client’s business, exercises their critical thinking skills and professional skepticism, and sharpens their own observations toward insights that they can then back up with data. As a result, team members have new opportunities to thrive and grow from their first day as audit professionals.

Business woman raising hand to ask question at team training

Chapter 1

When team members ask better questions, clients learn from them

Those closest to the data hold important insights.

At the EY global organization, our digital audit journey has taught us that those closest to the data hold important insights that unlock critical value.

Armed with powerful analytics, audit team members at the staff and senior levels are able to develop a nuanced understanding of the business and identify key risks quickly. The EY Digital Audit equips them to ask better and more insightful questions. In turn, our clients are learning from these pointed questions and may rethink their own processes and operations because of them.

In the case of a client that manufactures networking equipment, our people virtually observed the performance of inventory cycle counts at all the company’s plants around the globe. Their use of technology offered the client finance team access to a fuller picture of the data, uncovering additional new information on which plants were not following the company’s own policies.

At a multinational tech organization, our people demonstrated their expansive understanding of the client’s processes. This led the client’s finance team to develop their own insights on the complexities and inefficiencies of their processes and critically review their internal controls.

An EY senior manager in the US-Central Region explains the changing dynamic: “We’ve had such a positive experience with analytics. We can see the confidence in our staff and seniors — and in our clients. It’s really opened up a conversation with them about what else can be seen through the use of analytics and how we can audit differently.”

Young and successful. Happy bearded trader in formal wear and eyeglasses looking at camera and smiling while sitting in his modern office. Stock broker. Forex market. Trade concept

Chapter 2

A career in audit builds transformative leaders

With the EY Digital Audit, every team member has the power to contribute new ideas to enhance audit execution and quality.

As EY executives coach their teams, demonstrate leadership and share their experience, they are also learning from the trends and anomalies that their team members are flagging in the data — insights that can spur them to dig deeper and to investigate potential risks that might not have come to light in a traditional audit.

We train our people to solve client-specific audit problems and arm them with intuitive tools that allow them to tailor their approach based on the engagement. Once our early career team members understand that they are free to innovate and explore efficient solutions, they tend to take bold action that drives continuous improvement. For example, one audit team used EY resources to identify better loan analysis dashboard and techniques, which led to the development of a commercial mortgage analyzer that is being scaled globally.

At the EY organization, we have created an innovation ecosystem that promotes such sharing and makes the best innovations from any source accessible to everyone. This ecosystem includes a micro-solutions marketplace we are piloting for access to tools, organized innovation networks with technology-equipped auditors splitting their time between client work and innovation, and certification policies in place that allow us to scale tools sector-wide and practice-wide. Feedback from users at every stage helps us test local tools and take them all the way to a certified product.

With the EY Digital Audit, every team member has the power to contribute new ideas to enhance audit execution and quality.

As team members are asked to demonstrate how they arrive at their conclusions, our clients appreciate the perspective EY people at every level bring to their business. This recognition spurs new conversations about innovating in other aspects of the audit.

Confident in the technologies we have given them, curious about the full possibilities of these tools, our early career auditors are becoming transformative leaders, ready to drive audit quality even higher as they wear both hats of auditor and technologist.


Armed with a data-first mindset and empowered to innovate, EY people are driving change and benefitting our clients earlier in their careers.

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