Results from the five key themes of the study
1. Overview of A&D workforce demographic trends in the US
Demographic data plays a critical role for A&D organizations seeking to effectively manage their workforce.
2. Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)
Employers have continued to make DEI a workforce and business imperative, prioritizing inclusiveness and healthy work environments that allow diverse groups to thrive. To that end, the survey set out to understand how A&D organizations have taken tangible steps to diversify their talent and drive continuous progress regarding DEI.
3. Talent shortage is real
The exodus of talent hasn’t spared A&D companies. Organizations are competing not only with each other but also with other industries as they seek to recruit employees with strong technical and digital skills to their workforce. The survey sought to determine the key drivers of attrition within the A&D industry and explore how organizations are continuing to strengthen their employee value propositions (EVP) to provide a unique and impactful employee experience to attract and retain key talent.
4. Digitization and reskilling
To unlock the full potential of their workforce, organizations are helping their employees adapt to new technologies, creating individualized learning pathways that will close critical skills gaps and support employees through the transformation process. The survey asked questions to identify the digital investments that are being made by A&D organizations, both from a workforce technology and people-centric lens.
5. The employee and talent outlook
The industry outlook is dependent on the ability of A&D organizations to maintain and foster a strong talent pipeline as the industry embarks on transformation efforts. As a result, the survey tried to gain a better understanding of the age and tenure distribution of today’s workforce in the industry, along with each organization’s engagement with educational institutions and the desired competencies of the next generation